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Friday, October 27, 2017

Terraform debugging (Azure Storage long names)

I had strange problem with Terraform on Azure. Everything looked good, but ever time I got. I tried to changed few things. Didn't help. All the time:

* 1 error(s) occurred:

* Resource \
'azurerm_storage_account.vhds' not found for variable \

I couldn't find any explanation to me problems, so I started to look to increase amount of information from Terraform. I found that TF_LOG controls log level. I ran

TF_LOG=TRACE terraform plan| grep ERROR

And found following line:

2017/10/27 20:31:37 [ERROR] eval: *terraform.EvalValidateResource, \
err: Warnings: []. Errors: [name can only consist of lowercase letters and numbers, \
and must be between 3 and 24 characters long]

Yes, the create name was a bit long, but aaaa... The original error message is not the most obvious one.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

OpenSSL and Azure VPN

I had to set up an Azure Point-to-Site VPN, but didn't want to do it from Windows machine (I'm Linux/MacOSX kind of the guy) but luckily I found this Aris Plakias' article which describe in a plain language with good example how to prepare all necessary certificates using OpenSSL.

Actually I've created this small script so I can easily repeat client creation step.

openssl genrsa -out ${name}1Cert.key 2048
openssl req -new -out ${name}1Cert.req -key ${name}1Cert.key -subj /CN="MyAzureVPN"
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -in ${name}1Cert.req -out ${name}1Cert.cer -CAkey MyAzureVPN.key -CA MyAzureVPN.cer -days 180 -CAcreateserial -CAserial serial
openssl pkcs12 -export -out ${name}1Cert.pfx -inkey ${name}1Cert.key -in ${name}1Cert.cer -certfile MyAzureVPN.cer

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Firefox update in Crux

Updating Firefox, without rebuilding all other ports in Crux, is not the easiest task. Quite often you need to update one of packages Firefox depends one, but not all of them.

In my case, limited space on root partition is an additional problem. In the same time I have another, much bigger partition attached.

To address both issues I prepared this small script. It updates require dependencies (autoconf, sqlite, libpng, nspr, nss) and then updates Firefox, but with working directory in no default location (PKGMK_WORK_DIR).

prt-get update autoconf
prt-get update sqlite3
prt-get update libpng
prt-get update nspr
prt-get update nss
PKGMK_WORK_DIR=/media/pictures prt-get update firefox

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Bringing my Crux Enligthement+ repo back to live [Part I]

I wasn't doing anything with my home Linux machines for some time and recently decided to change it a bit. There are quite a few projects I hope to push a  forward. For example put all my pictures from CDROMs/DVDs into Dropbox, enable internal streaming from my RPi, install Linux on my Dell laptop.To achieve the last one I tried Kubuntu, but it's not so easy properly configure KDE nowadays (KDE5). I tried Enlightenment from Ubuntu PPA, but it connman seemed to be broken. So it seemed that I had to use Crux. Another option could be Arch, but I had already spent quite a lot of time configuring Enlightenment for Crux.

The package repository is located at, and I keep my work in github wawrzek/crux-ports repository.

The first problem I encountered was issues with access to some .httpup related info:

Connecting to
Updating collection wawrzek
 Edit: wawrzek/.httpup-repo.current
Failed to download The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
 Edit: wawrzek/.httpup-urlinfo
Failed to download The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Finished successfully

I host my repo on Linux virtual machine and I could easily confirm that all files has right access privileges, so I eliminated OS level problem. All other files in the same directory were properly accessible, so I started to suspect Apache configuration and that was a case. Apache Debian/Ubuntu configuration has block preventing web clients accessing .htaccess and .htpasswd, but definition is rather generous (^\.ht or everything what starts with string ".ht"). I decided that the simplist resolution is going to replace it with more specific rule (^\.ht(access|passwd)) what matches only ".htaccess" or ".htpasswd". Updated block of configuration is below:

# The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being
# viewed by Web clients.
<FilesMatch "^\.ht(access|passwd)">
        Require all denied